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underground laboratory Archive
2016: Results from the first use of low radioactivity argon in a dark matter search
Posted on April 20, 2016 | No CommentsPhys. Rev. D 93, 081101(R) P. Agnes et al. (DarkSide Collaboration) M. Wójcik, G. Zuzel & K. Pelczar Download http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.93.081101 Abstract Liquid argon is a bright scintillator with potent particle... -
2013: Optimization of low-background alpha spectrometers for analysis of thick samples
Posted on April 4, 2013 | No CommentsApplied Radiation and Isotopes 81 (2013) 146–150 M. Misiaszek a), K. Pelczar a), M. Wójcik a), G. Zuzel a) & M. Laubenstein b) a) M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian... -
2013: A new versatile underground gamma-ray spectrometry system
Posted on April 9, 2013 | No CommentsApplied Radiation and Isotopes 81 (2013) 81–86 Guillaume Lutter a), Mikael Hult a), Gerd Marissens a), Erica Andreotti a), Ulf Rosengård a), Marcin Misiaszek b), Ayhan Yüksela c) & Namik... -
2012: Cosmic-muon flux and annual modulation in Borexino at 3800 m water-equivalent depth
Posted on September 11, 2012 | No CommentsCosmic-muon flux and annual modulation in Borexino at 3800 m water-equivalent depth Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physic JCAP05(2012)015 doi:10.1088/1475-7516/2012/05/015 G. Bellini et al. (Borexino Collaboration) M. Wójcik, G. Zuzel,... -
2009: Smallest Known Q Value of Any Nuclear Decay: The Rare beta- Decay of 115In–>115Sn
Posted on October 21, 2009 | No CommentsPhys. Rev. Lett. 103, 122501 (2009) J. S. E. Wieslander,1,2 J. Suhonen,2 T. Eronen,2 M. Hult,1 V.-V. Elomaa,2 A. Jokinen,2 G. Marissens, M. Misiaszek,3 M. T. Mustonen,2 S. Rahaman,2 C.... -
2009: The Sandwich spectrometer for ultra low-level γ-ray spectrometry
Posted on October 21, 2009 | No CommentsApplied Radiation and Isotopes Volume 67, Issue 5, May 2009, Pages 731-735 J.S. Elisabeth Wieslander a, d, Mikael Hult a, Joël Gasparro a, Gerd Marissens a, Marcin Misiaszek b and...