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liquid argon TPC Archive
2016: Results from the first use of low radioactivity argon in a dark matter search
Posted on April 20, 2016 | No CommentsPhys. Rev. D 93, 081101(R) P. Agnes et al. (DarkSide Collaboration) M. Wójcik, G. Zuzel & K. Pelczar Download http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.93.081101 Abstract Liquid argon is a bright scintillator with potent particle... -
2015: LArGe : active background suppression using argon scintillation for the Gerda experiment
Posted on February 17, 2016 | No CommentsThe European Physical Journal. C, Particles and Fields, 2015 vol. 75 no. 10 Agostini M., Barnabé-Heider M., Budjáš D., Cattadori C., Gangapshev A., Gusev K., Heisel M., Junker M., Klimenko... -
2015: The DarkSide multiton detector for the direct dark matter search
Posted on February 17, 2016 | No CommentsAdvances in High Energy Physics, 2015 vol. 2015 Aalseth C. et al. (Dark-Side Collaboration) M. Wójcik, G. Zuzel, K. Pelczar, A. Odrzywołek Download http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/541362 Abstract Although the existence of dark... -
2014: Observation and modeling of 222Rn daughters in liquid nitrogen
Posted on February 3, 2014 | No CommentsNIM A (2014) N. Frodyma, K. Pelczar, M. Wójcik Download http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2014.01.039 Abstract The results of alpha spectrometric measurements of the activity of 222Rn daughters dissolved in liquefied nitrogen are presented.... -
2013: Light yield in DarkSide-10: A prototype two-phase argon TPC for dark matter searches
Posted on June 3, 2012 | No CommentsAstroparticle Physics Volume 49, September 2013, Pages 44–51 T. Alexander et al., (DarkSide Collaboration) M. Wojcik, G. Zuzel Download http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.astropartphys.2013.08.004 http://arxiv.org/abs/1204.6218 Abstract As part of the DarkSide program of direct dark... -
Eksperyment DarkSide
Posted on April 9, 2013 | No Comments[nggallery id=5] Wyniki obserwacji astronomicznych z ostatnich stu lat oraz obliczeń modelowych jednoznacznie wskazują, iż ponad 80% masy Wszechświata ma postać ciemnej materii. Tworzyć ją mogą neutralne cząstki, spoza Modelu...