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Division Staff Archive
prof. dr hab. Marcin Wójcik
Posted on October 21, 2009 | No CommentsHead of Division email: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it room#: F-0-22 phone: +48-12 664 4865 Fields of Research: Experimental... -
prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Bodek
Posted on October 8, 2016 | 1 Comment -
prof. dr hab. Stanisław Micek
Posted on October 21, 2009 | No CommentsProfessor email: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it room#: F-0-23 phone: +48-12 664 4807 Fields of Research: Computer Architecture Vector... -
dr hab. Jacek Zejma
Posted on October 8, 2016 | No Comments -
dr Grzegorz Zuzel
Posted on October 21, 2009 | No CommentsAssistant email: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it phone: +48-12 664 4861 room#: F-0-20 Fields of Research: Experimental Neutrino Physics... -
dr hab. inż. Zenon Nieckarz
Posted on October 21, 2009 | No Commentsemail: phone: +48 12 664 4864 room#: G-0-18 Fields of Research: Earth of Science (LTR-LAB) Global Lightning Activity Thunderstorms and Lightning Strokes Electromagnetic Waves of Extremely Low Frequency (EM-ELF) Solar... -
dr Marcin Misiaszek
Posted on November 3, 2011 | No Commentsemail: marcin.misiaszek@uj.edu.pl room#: G-0-18 phone: 12 664 4864 Physics Links: BOREXINO GERDA -
dr Anna Jany
Posted on November 3, 2011 | No Commentsemail: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view phone: +48-12 664 4861 room#: F-0-20 Fields of Research: Hadron Physics Spallation Experimental Neutrino... -
dr Dagmara Rozpędzik
Posted on October 8, 2016 | No CommentsAssistant Professor email: dagmara.rozpedzik@uj.edu.pl Fields of Research: Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics Precision tests of physics beyond the Standard Model Development of particle detectors and techniques Theoretical Nuclear Physics Electromagnetic... -
dr Anna Wojna-Pelczar
Posted on April 11, 2017 | No CommentsAssistant email: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it phone: +48-12 664 4634 room#: G-0-07 Fields of Research: Experimental Neutrino Physics... -
dr Krzysztof Pelczar
Posted on October 21, 2009 | No CommentsPhD email: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it room: F-1-15 phone: +48-12 664 4816 Fields of Research: Computational Physics Experimental... -
mgr Nikodem Frodyma
Posted on October 21, 2009 | No CommentsPhD Student email: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it room#: A-0-03 phone: 12 664 4899 Fields of Research: Experimental Neutrino... -
mgr inż Dariusz Borowicz
Posted on March 9, 2014 | No Commentsemail: dariusz.borowicz@uj.edu.pl PHD Student Fields of research: HPGe detectors research, development and manufacturing Experimental Neutrino Physics Physics Links: GERDA -
mgr inż Krzysztof Panas
Posted on March 9, 2014 | No Commentsemail: krzysztof.panas@uj.edu.pl PHD Student room#: F-1-15 phone: +48-12 664 4816 Fields of research: HPGe detectors, Nuclear electronics Pulse Shape Analysis Physics Links: GERDA -
mgr Maciej Perkowski
Posted on November 13, 2016 | No Commentsemail: maciej.perkowski@uj.edu.pl PHD Student room#: phone: Fields of research: Physics Links: